When you are about to start your period, sometimes there is a lot of white discharge that builds up very unpleasantly. The white discharge before your period is actually a form of mucus that is naturally produced from the neck of the womb—scientifically called the cervix. The amount of white discharge will vary throughout your menstrual cycle and most pregnant women will get something that is known as a "pregnancy discharge".
A healthy white discharge does not have a strong smell or color. There is the uncomfortable wetness, but you should not have any itching or soreness around your vagina. If you are experiencing those symptoms, then seek medical help from your doctor.

Do I Have Normal or Abnormal Discharge?
Normal white discharge before period
The white discharge before your period is actually completely normal and natural. The white discharge before your period is mainly from the uterus and cervix, but is not a beginning of an infection. The white discharge that you are experiencing is only caused from congestion of your pelvis, which is why the white discharge is really just mucus. A couple of days before your period, the process that leads to menstruation may cause an initial leak of clear fluid; this is not an infection, either. An excessive white or clear discharge in the middle of your period is quite common.
Abnormal white discharge before period
Typically, the vaginal discharge is normal, but there are some cases where the discharge can indicate an infection. If your discharge is not clear or white and it is really yellow or green, then you may have one of the following infections, or abnormal discharge:
Yeast Infection: A common infection that most women get after sex, and sometimes randomly, is a yeast infection. This is when the white discharge appears more like cottage cheese. There are over the counter medications that work just fine on this infection and usually it is gone in a week or less with proper treatment.
Trichomoniasis: If the discharge has a smell like rotten eggs and is kind of frothy, then you more than likely have some kind of sexually transmitted disease and need to get it taken care of immediately.
Chlamydia or Gonorrhea: If you are not pregnant and are experiencing an increase of discharge during the middle of your period, then you need to get tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. These STDs also cause a burning sensation when you urinate that is similar to a urinary tract infection.
Vaginosis: If the vaginal discharge is yellow or green, then this is a sign of vaginosis.
When should I be worried?
Certain types of normal discharge can easily be confused with an abnormal secretion, but even if you think that you are experiencing some sort of bad infection, it may just be pathological. Premenstrual discharge could be an infection if you are experiencing itching, burning, an intense smell, or severe pain that is similar, but not exactly like cramps.
If you are experiencing bloody discharge during a time that is not your period then you may have something else seriously wrong, if you are experiencing any type of abnormal discharge, make an appointment to see your medical doctor or gynecologist.
Other Types of Discharge You May Experience in Menstrual Cycle
There are many types of discharge that can be released from your vagina before, during, and after your period. The discharge is due to the amount of hormones that are running throughout your body during the ovulation process. Here are the different types of discharges you may experience.
Clear and Stretchy: The clear and stretchy discharge is your body telling you that you are fertile and beginning to go into the ovulation mode.
Clear and Watery: This is a very common discharge that can occur most often after you finish exercising.
Yellow or Green: If your discharge is yellow or green and also comes with an odor , then seek medical help. This may mean that you have an infection.
Brown: Brown discharge happens right after your period and is your body's way of cleaning itself out after your period.
Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may occur during the middle of your period cycle, or in the early stages of pregnancy.
Make sure that you know the differences between these different discharges. The only types of discharge before, during, and after your period are light brown spotting and the white discharge. If you are experiencing anything else down there, visit your doctor as soon as possible to stop the infection.
Discharge & Pregnancy
How the discharge helps the implantation
During the first part of your period, the level of the estrogen hormone increases and it peaks around the time of ovulation. Estrogen causes the increase in your body's blood supply to the endometrial wall and cervix as it prepares the endometrial glands in preparing for their role in supporting the embryo. As a result of this the secretions from the cervix increases quite a bit which looks like a white discharge before your period. The increase in white discharge is from the cervix changing the pH levels of the vagina and enables a sperm to swim faster towards their destination to fertilize the egg during intercourse. During this time, a woman’s sexual arousal happens more easily and the white discharge before your period acts as a natural lubrication. As long as the white discharge before your period does not come with a heavy odor or itching, then it is not an infection and the white discharge is just a typical part of the baby making process.
What discharge to expect during pregnancy
You will still experience the same white discharge that you have before your period once you become pregnant. However, there will be a lot more discharge during pregnancy than before your period. Some women even have to wear panty liners in order to keep the discharge from seeping through their clothing. Sometime right before your delivery date, you will notice another increase in the amount of vaginal discharge that is also more thick than normal. This occurs because the mucus plug, which fills the tiny opening to the cervix, is discharging in order to prepare your body for labor. If you all of a sudden experience a huge amount of fluid, then this means that your water broke and you will be holding your precious baby very soon--so get to the hospital right away! If you are not at thirty-seven weeks and are experiencing discoloration in your discharge, call your doctor immediately, especially if it is tinged with blood. This could be a sign of premature labor.
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