In most cases, hemorrhoid is easy to treat using simple home remedies. However, in other cases, when the hemorrhoids are large, painful and bleeding, surgery is the best option. The hemorrhoid surgery recovery period varies from about one week to two weeks, depending on various aspects, including the severity of the hemorrhoids, the number of hemorrhoid removed as well as the type of treatment administered. During this recovery period, a certain level of discomfort and pain is expected but relief will come on the 3rd or 4th day. The uncomforting feeling will eases and vanish as the days go by.

Recover from Hemorrhoid Surgery
What to Expect After the Surgery
After this surgery, you are expected to remain in the recovery room before you are generally alert, breathing effectively and all your vital signs are stable.
If a tub was placed in your wind pipe, you may experience a temporary sore throat. However, you should not hesitate to inform your care team if you find it uncomfortable.
In most cases, patients go home the same day after the surgery. However, the patient must be able to urinate before he or she can be allowed to go home. Urinary retention is one of the commonest complications of this surgery, which may make the patient remain in the hospital for some days.
The hemorrhoid surgery recovery process after this operation is gradual and takes between two and four weeks. Some of the factors that affect the rate of healing include: general health of the patient, the type of anesthesia used in the operation and age of the patient.
Make Lifestyle Changes
After this surgery, the patient should have a bed rest for a week or two. During this time, the surgical wounds are more likely to reopening.
If you are overweight, it is advisable to consider losing weight after this surgery. This should be done in a healthy manner to reduce stress to the rectum area when the patient sits down, which may lead to a recurrence of hemorrhoids in the long run.
After the first few weeks, the patient should undertake small but continuous exercises. For instance, the patient can take several 10-minute walks in a day.
Reduce excessive stress after this surgery to prevent hemorrhoids relapse.
Maintain Healthy Diet
Patient should develop a high-fiber diet and drink sufficient fluid, which will accelerate the recovery process. Additionally, this also prevents the recurrence of these hemorrhoids. In order to get better results, it should be practiced a few weeks prior to and after the surgery.
It is also advisable for the patient to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. All these will ease the bowel movement and also reduce the pain one may experience when passing stool after the surgery. If natural fibers are introduced into the diet, the patient will not need stool softeners or laxatives.
Alleviate Itching
During hemorrhoid surgery recovery process, you may experience itching which may continue throughout the recovery period. This is a symptom of external hemorrhoids. To reduce this kind of itching, it is advisable to take a sitz bath. Depending on the location and severity of this itching, a physician can prescribe a topical medication for the hemorrhoid patient to ease this itching.
Use Painkiller
The pain after this surgery worsens during bowel movements. However, these movements are essential for recovery. So pain killers should be prescribed after hemorrhoid surgery. Many patents tend to use painkillers throughout their recovery period but different hemorrhoids surgeries vary. You should follow the prescriptions by the physician strictly for quick recovery.
Try Other Home Remedies
In addition to the above mentioned remedies, there are certain home remedies that may be used during this recovery period to ease the pain and quicken recovery.
To begin with, it is very important to keep the surgery wound very clean. This will prevent possible infection to the wound.
Gels, creams and ice packs may be used to minimize irritation and swelling to the wound.
After bowel movements, the patient may take a hot bath to ease the pain.
When to Call a Doctor
During hemorrhoid surgery recovery, it is important for the patient to maintain regular follow-up appointments with the doctor. Even before such appointments, the patient can call the doctor regarding any concerns or questions. However, if you develop any of the following conditions after the treatment, you should seek medical attention immediately:
If you experience breathing problems, including labored breathing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and wheezing when breathing;
Heavy bleeding after bowel movement;
A low-grade fever under 101 degrees Fahrenheit is normal in the initial days. However, you should call the doctor if the fever advances;
Variations in alertness, for instance unresponsiveness, confusion, dizziness and passing out;
Having difficulty in bowel movement or urination;
Pain that cannot be reduced by pain medication;
Unexpected pus or drainage emanating from the rectum region;
Swelling and redness in the calf or leg pain which may be indicators of a blood clot.
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