The duration and severity of irregular menstrual bleeding is different for every woman. Periods can really interfere with your daily life, so if you are worried about it or notice something unusual then speak to your doctor. This includes bleeding heavier than usual, having it infrequently and even experiencing an absence. It is extremely important to know how to regulate period, so read on below to find out.

6 Effective Methods on How to Regulate Period
Treating an Underlying Disease
It is important to treat any underlying disease so see your doctor if you suffer from irregular periods. Your doctor will do a blood test and analyze your hormone levels and thyroid function. The two most common underlying illnesses that cause irregular period in women are polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and
. Women with PCOS can be given birth control pills to trigger a period. Hypothyroidism is treated with thyroid hormone supplements. If you are on birth control and you experience irregular periods, your doctor may prescribe you with a change of pills, which will help to regulate your menstrual flow.
Changing Your Method of Contraception
Due to some women developing irregular periods when on the intrauterine device (IUD), medics offer women the choice of changing their forms of contraception, so if you experience irregular bleeding that has not settled within a few months then speak to your doctor about changing to something else.
An alternative form of contraception is intrauterine system (IUS) may be recommended as an option. There are different types of IUS options such as Mirena, which is a soft plastic device inserted into your womb. It releases a small amount of progestogen and is proven to be very effective. It can be used for a maximum of 5 years and can be removed at any time. Your fertility will return to normal and you can try for a baby immediately. Mirena has the ability to also treat heavy and irregular periods and can make them, shorter, lighter and even less painful. You can get more information on IUS and Mirena from your local hospital or medical practice. There a range of treatments and methods of contraception you can change to help regulate your period better.
Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle changes affect several things in your body, including your period flow, the severity and duration of it. Things such as exercising too much, losing or gaining weight and surgery could interfere with the frequency of your period. Once you have found out which one of these factors is responsible for your irregular menstrual flow, it would be advisable to take the necessary steps to get your period normal again. Losing weight and eating healthier or taking a hormone supplement (due to a hormonal imbalance) could help regularize your menstrual flow.
Hormone Therapy (HT)
An irregular period can be due to you having a hormonal imbalance. Women need estrogen and progestin can help trigger periods in women who do not get them. Women with hormonal imbalances often undergo HT. Oral contraceptives contain estrogen and progestin and may be prescribed for you to help balance your hormonal levels.
The aim of hormone therapy is to produce hormones that the body can no longer produce by itself, which is why it is such a common and effective method for women who suffer from a range of hormonal related problems.
Medical Procedures
Treatments such as dilation and curettage (D & C) is a process which requires you to undergo a medical procedure. It involves a doctor dilating your cervix and scraping tissue from the lining of your uterus. This popular procedure is believed to cut down on menstrual bleeding.
Going back to the point of underlying illnesses, fibroids are major cause why women may experience heavy and prolonged periods. Surgery can be used as an option to treat fibroids, but it is not always necessary. Doctors can remove polyps in a procedure called a hysteroscopy. It involves the doctor using a lighted tube to view the uterus and remove the polyp.
Home Remedies
Ingredients used to solve and cure irregular menstrual flow can be found in your cupboard. It is no secret that natural ingredients can be used as homemade remedies to fix health problems. Some of the best home remedies for how to regulate period are cinnamon, ginger, aloe vera and unripe papaya. Cinnamon for example, is great for regulating menstrual cycles and reducing cramps. It is also believed to have a calming effect on the body according to traditional Chinese medicine. You can incorporate more cinnamon into your diet by adding it to your milk, teas, and food.
Ginger, like cinnamon, is extremely good for relieving menstrual pain and can help promote menstruation. Drink freshly boiled ginger in water and drink it three times a day for a month to see the effects.
Turmeric and aloe vera can help regulate your hormones, which promotes menstrual flow. You can ingest turmeric in a supplement form or add it to your meals and drinks. Do this several times for a month until you see an improvement.
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