Groin region is the area above the legs and right below the abdomen. Groin pain is one of the major things that men are not willing to discuss about. The pains may not be very severe and this gives a lot of people an illusion that they will disappear and do not see the need to see a doctor. However, it is advisable that you visit your doctor immediately you start experiencing pains in the groin.

Causes and Treatment of Groin Pain in Men
Inflammation of the Epididymis (Epididymitis)
For people below 35 years old, the primary cause is gonorrhea. Others could be due to infections like tuberculosis and E. Coil. This infection starts in the vas deferens duct by swelling. It then spreads to the testis and causes swelling of the testicles. Other symptoms include fever and increased temperatures at the scrotum.
Treatment can come with the use of antibiotics. Painkillers are used to ease the groin pain and the swelling can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication. Fever and temperature rise around the scrotum is treated using cold packs. Sexual intercourse should be avoided until you’re fully treated.
Superficial Skin Infection
The infection affects a small region and will mostly look like a pimple in the groin area. This results in a small swell and redness of a small area of the skin. This area becomes very tender, painful to touch and warm and causes a lot of irritation due to the increased temperature.
This infection has a home remedy that involves the use of a tropical antibiotic cream. It can also be treated with the use of anti-inflammatory. Ibuprofen is the most preferred. In case the symptoms do not stop or get worse, make a point of seeing a doctor.
Testicular Torsion
This may result from a deep sleep or exertion. It occurs when the testicle rotates and is not in the right position and leads to swelling. It is associated with very sharp pain in groin area. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting. The twisting of the spermatic duct lead to the lack of blood flow to the testicles and if this is not corrected within six hours via surgery, the testicle tissue could die.
Treatment is via an operation. Anesthesia is used in the operation and after the testicles have been put into the right position, tiny sutures are fit in order to prevent future twists.
Inflammation of the Testicle (Orchitis)
This is caused by viral infection. It will be noted between one and four weeks after infection. It is very painful and pain may go up to the groin area. It is accompanied by vomiting and nausea. The scrotum gets swollen, reddish and increased temperature at the groin pain area.
Treatment of this infection through antibiotics should be given to both sexual partners. This is because the infection is caused by Chlamydia or gonorrhea. Swelling can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications. Painkillers should be taken to ease the pain.
Muscle Pull
This is a very common groin pain in men, mostly experienced in sportsmen. It is pain that is experienced in the groin and in the thigh when you raise your legs around the knees. It is pain experienced in the ligaments and muscles and is caused by oxygen debt.
This problem is easy to treat and should, in fact, be done individually. First, it is important to take enough rest. It is then advisable to take some pain killers and then try some gentle stretching. Once the pain is under control, it is advisable to involve in bouncing stretches.
Testicular Tumor (Leydig Cell Tumor)
This condition affects both children and adults. It is the uncontrolled growth of the testicles. This can lead to severe groin pain in men. There is secretion of estrogen and testosterone.
Due to the secretion of the above hormones, care should be taken when managing this condition as it could greatly affect the sex life of men, especially of the young boys. It could lead to infertility, low or loss of libido, feminization or erectile dysfunction. The most recommended remedy for this condition is testis-spraying surgery.
Kidney Stones
The most commonly known kidney stones include calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, uric acid, magnesium, ammonium phosphate and cysteine stones. These stones are first experienced in the renal system and later find their way to the ureter. Once in this stage, one experiences a lot of groin pain, vomiting and nausea.
It is not possible to treat kidney stones at home. A CT scan should be performed to establish whether a surgery is needed to remove the stones or it can be passed through the urinary tract.
Unlike the other infections, this one does not cause severe pain in groin area. Because of this, many people do not see the need to seek immediate attention or help from the doctor. It is a soft swelling that appears on the scrotum.
The only remedy for hernia is surgery. Surgery will be important so as to repair the already weakened tissue of the abdominal wall and any holes that could emerge because of the infection. Surgery may, however, be complex for severe cases as patches have to be fit to cover the holes and strengthen the wall.
Enlarged Lymph Glands (Lymphadenitis)
This groin pain is due to the presence of foreign bodies, chemical irritation, swelling around the groin and obstruction of normal drainage. It starts with skin infection leading to skin death around the affected region. Pus forms and then infection spreads to the surrounding and other lymph. There is a lot of warmth around the groin, leading to swelling and reddish scrotum.
In some cases, there is no medication and the nodes get smaller on their own with time. Otherwise, you will be treated with antibiotics. For severe pain, you will be given some painkillers to ease the pain. Swollen nodes due to cancer will require cancer treatment first.
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