If you just pick up the habit of drinking coffee or love to have a cup of coffee as your daily fix, then you’re sure to love this article. After searching various websites, we list 10 most popular coffees here. Check the list to see if your favourite coffee is included. If not, don't get disappointed; you can always add it in the comment area.

Different Types of Coffee
And literally who hasn’t heard of Espresso? If you’re one of those who don’t know about it and are too embarrassed to ask anybody about it, well, here’s the dirt. Espressos are essentially black coffees, which are made from dark roast beans, steamed milk and foam. The varying degrees of espresso depend on the varying proportions of the 3 main ingredients mentioned. The machine used to make them is a high pressured cappuccino machine. Espresso can be said to be the building blocks of coffee, as essentially every coffee variety is a variation of it.
Short Macchiato
A lot of people find espresso very strong and bitter. For them, a short macchiato is a good option among all the different types of coffee. Its recipe is the same as that of an espresso, except a dollop of steamed milk and foam is added to it in order to soften the harsh flavor of espresso.
Café Latte
Lattes are milk based coffees that have a lot of micro-foam added to it. Because of the high quantity of milk, this coffee is quite weak when compared to an espresso, which makes it the perfect first coffee for newbies out there. Generally a latte will include:
1 cup of steamed milk
1 shot of espresso
Micro foam on the top
Variations include adding toppings like Caramel or Chocolate syrups to them.
Café au Lait
You could have probably guessed by the name that the coffee has French origins. So while the base ingredient of most coffees out there is espresso, the base ingredient of the Caf Au Lait is brewed coffee itself. It is made with equal quantities of brewed coffee and steamed milk, and can be said to be the younger brother of Cafe Latte.
Ah, Cappuccino. Among all different types of coffee, this one is widely welcomed nowadays. And for a good reason. The original/genuine cappuccino is made with equal parts of milk, foam/froth and espresso. It’s widely celebrated because of its unique richness and flavor, and can easily be said to be the elder brother of the Latte. One notable distinction is that unlike other coffees which are made in tumblers, cappuccinos are made in cups.
You know what a hot chocolate is, right? And I’ve already told you what a cappuccino is. Well, a mocha is a mix between the two, and can also be known as “chocolate coffee” if you can’t remember it by its name. The chocolate powder is added to the espresso shot, which is then introduced to foam and milk.
This one is very strong and very bitter, to be honest. It is made with a single shot of espresso added to a cup of hot water. However, with the passage of time, different coffee outlets have created their own versions of the Americano, which you are free to drink at your own risk if you are not for strong coffees.
Piccolo Latte
This is, as the name suggests, a latte. Unlike the regular latte, this too is made in a cup. It is made from a ristretto shot (15-20 ml) to which milk is added. It is served in a 100ml glass demitasse (a small cup). Sadly, we don’t get to see many Piccolo Lattes on most coffee shops out there.
This one is intended to be drunk as a dessert, after you’re done with your dinner. Yeah, you read that right! You take a scoop of vanilla ice cream and add a shot of espresso to it. Sure, you can try your own variations, but this remains the base recipe.
Caramel Macchiato
Among all different types of coffee, this one should never be missed if you have a sweet tooth, because it tastes sweet. Its base ingredients are foamed milk, caramel and espresso. A lot of coffee house prefer using steamed milk, which is a good alternative for those who don’t like their coffee strong.
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