With its combination of breathing and physical exercises as well as meditation, yoga is popular among many people as an option to relax and keep fit. However, it also has applications that are practical for treating neck pain plus back pain from arthritis, a herniated disc or other conditions, as several studies have shown. Just some simple and easy yoga for neck pain, then your symptoms will be relieved in a minute.

How Yoga Helps for Neck and Shoulders

With regular practice of sustained physical postures, yoga helps to lengthen and strengthen connective tissues and muscles. However, yoga for neck neck and shoulders can help relieve pain in other ways:

Alignment improvement: Yoga aids people in learning how to stand and sit with good posture which helps in relieving the pain. It is also a good practice for increasing awareness, as becoming aware of our poor posture habits is the first step in fixing them.


Stress reduction: The breathing and mediation exercises of yoga can help to calm the nervous system and slow one down.


Holistic health support: Yoga has a unique ability to impact multiple systems of the body at once, such as your digestive health, immune function, neuroendocrine balance, cardiopulmonary performance and musculoskeletal health in such a way which standard physical activity can't.

Yoga for Neck Pain


Wide-Legged Forward Bend C

  • Standing with your feet three to four feet apart, turn your heels out slightly farther than your toes.

  • Put your arms behind your back and clasp your fingers and press the heels of your palms together, forming a fist.

  • Fold forward, hinge at your hips, and draw the crown of your head and your hands toward the floor. Then relax your toes, shift the weight of your hips forward, making them in line with your feet.

  • Remain this way for a total of five deep breaths. Press into your feet, engage your quads and inhale while you stand up.


Child's Pose

  • Kneel down on your mat with knees hips-width apart while your back toes touching down behind you at the same.

  • Take in a deep breath, and while you exhale put your torso over your thighs. Lengthen your neck and spine by drawing your ribs away from your tailbone and crown of your head away from your shoulders.

  • Rest your arms beside your legs with your palms upwards, or extend your arms outward in front of you. Remain here for five breaths.


8-Point Shoulder Opener

  • Lay on your belly and reach your right arm out 90 degrees from your body, palm facing up.

  • Use your left hand under your shoulder to begin to push away, and bend your left knee to reach your left toes behind your right knee if rolling/tipping over feels right.

  • Flex the palm if you want to reach your left arm to the celling, letting the hand fall toward the ground and stay here as long as you want.

  • If you have even more space, let your left hand met the right in a clasp and breathe here for as long as you want.


Thread the Needle

  • Get on all fours, then reach your right arm under your body, letting your right shoulder and temple fall to the ground.

  • Your left hand can remain where it is, or crawl a little over your head to your right.

  • Remain here for 10 deep breaths, repeat on the other side.


Seated Spinal Twist

  • Sit putting your legs out in front of you.

  • Bend your right knee, put your right foot outside of your left knee, either keep the left leg long or fold it in.

  • Wrap your left arm around your right leg and put your right hand on the ground behind sacrum.

  • Remain here for 5 deep breaths, and repeat on the opposite side.


Reclining Twist

  • Lay down on the floor, back straight.

  • Slowly lift your right leg up above your left leg.

  • Keep the left leg straight out, ensure you make a right angle with the floor with your right leg.

  • Stretch your hands either way and face right.

  • Breathe in a few deep breaths, while staying in the pose for thirty seconds.

  • Repeat the same with your left leg.


Legs Up the Wall

  • Lay on your back with legs straight against the wall.

  • Face your feet toward the ceiling and touch your legs on the wall.

  • Rest your arms out to the side and palms upward.

  • Take long, deep breath for about fifteen times.


Extended Triangle Pose

  • Stand straight, and then separate your legs as far as you can.

  • Keep your back straight and extend your hands out to the sides.

  • Inhale and bend slowly towards your right side, with your right hand touching your ankle and your left hand turned upwards.

  • Look at your left hand and stay in this posture as long as possible.


Standing Mountain Pose

  • Stand with your legs hip-width apart.

  • Release your tailbone toward the floor and gently pull your belly up and in.

  • Lift your rib cage up out of your pelvis.

  • Relax your shoulders from your ears and go to the top of your head toward the ceiling.

  • Stretch your spine like you are being pulled upwards with your chin parallel to the ground.

  • Breathe deeply and slowly, relax your throat, face and shoulders.


Shoulder Opener on Blocks

  • Kneel and put two blocks in front of you, placing your elbows on the blocks.

  • Put your hands together in a praying position, then release your head between the blocks and reverse the prayer down your back.

  • Remain here for 10 deep breaths or more.

  • While you walk, don’t look down at your phone. This will cause your neck to overstretch into a position which isn’t natural and will lead to pain.
  • Consider rolling your shoulders down and together on your back whenever you can. Just like yoga for neck pain, good posture lets your neck be in its best and least strained position.
  • Consider tucking in your chin closer to your neck. Most put their chins forward, as they are always looking and moving forward, which is another position that is unnatural and causes neck strain.

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