Sometimes, it becomes essential to get a few fillings to fix certain dental issues. It is not a complex procedure, but you may notice some problems after fillings. The most common issue is temperature-related sensitivity – you may feel more sensitive to cold than heat, but it will be there. Even if it is not painful, it can be quite annoying at times. The question is, "Is it normal to experience tooth sensitivity after filling?" How long should you wait before seeing a dentist for your tooth sensitive to cold after filling? Keep reading to learn more about it.

Tooth Sensitivity After Filling: Is It Normal?
A tooth sensitive to cold after filling can be quite annoying, but it is normal to experience this after putting in new fillings or replacing the old one. Some sensitivity after filling is quite normal, especially if you've witnessed tooth decay, which irritates the tooth and leads to a painful sensitivity. If you've been witnessing sensitivity due to this issue only, it should go away in a few days. It can take longer, but you don't have to worry much, especially if you notice gradual improvement.
In case the decay was close to the pulp of your tooth, there will be some bacteria in the thin porous dentin. When your dentist works on one such tooth, there are higher chances of developing an infection because bacteria are already present. If your sensitivity is due to an infection and isn't improving with time, you should contact your dentist who may recommend a root canal.
If you've opted for composite fillings and are now experiencing sensitivity after filling, you may have to discuss it with your dentist who will adjust the bite. Sometimes, they will consider replacing your filling with another composite filling to fix the issue. If you leave it untreated, the situation may get better or become worse over time. It is therefore a good idea to talk to your dentist who will examine the situation to identify the real source of problem.
Tooth Sensitivity After Filling: What Can Be Done?
If you find your tooth sensitivity after filling quite annoying, you can try a few things to make it more manageable. Here's what you can do about it:
Avoid what irritates your tooth. It is a good idea to stay away from cold, hot, or sweet stuff for a few days. If you keep eating such food, it will stimulate your sensitive tooth and even cause tooth pain.
Try some good toothpaste for sensitive teeth. You can find special toothpastes that contain desensitizing agents. Use it regularly to brush your teeth to find relief from your symptoms.
Go on a soft diet for a few days. You will only be irritating your treated tooth by eating sticky or hard food. Don't put additional pressure on your tooth or it will cause irritation that will lead to tooth pain. It is also a good idea to avoid chewing on the filled tooth for a couple of days.
Pay attention to oral hygiene. It is so easy to think you don't have to brush your teeth or pay attention to oral hygiene for a few days after filling. That's not the right thing to do. Proper oral hygiene will always go a long way in relieving the irritation of periodontal tissues.
Try some home remedies. Simple home remedies like using saltwater to rinse your mouth or use clove oil for rinsing will help reduce toothache caused by a filling.
Take a pain reliever for the first few days. You don't always need a painkiller, but you can definitely try OTC pain relievers to reduce discomfort.
You will see some pain relief by trying the abovementioned suggestions, but you should see your dentist if the pain persists even after taking home care measures.
Other Problems You May Have After Dental Filling
Tooth sensitivity after filling is common, but you may also experience some other dental issues after fillings.
Pain when you bite: Instead of feeling sensitive to heat or cold, you will feel pain when you bite down. This usually happens when your filling interferes with your bite. You need to go back to your dentist to have it fixed.
Pain when teeth touch: You feel a sharp pain when your teeth touch, which usually occurs due to the touching of different metal surfaces. You may notice this when you have a gold crown on one teeth and silver amalgam on another. The pain should resolve in a few days.
Toothache-type pain: You experience this pain when the decay was very deep and the tissue is damaged permanently. In this case, you may have to go for a root canal treatment.
Referred pain: Sometimes, you will feel pain and sensitivity in teeth that have not been filled. It usually means that your "newly filled" tooth is sending pain signals to other teeth as well. The issue should resolve in a couple of weeks or so.
Allergic reaction to silver fillings: In rare cases, a person may be allergic to silver fillings. If that is the case, your filling will trigger the allergic response and you will notice symptoms similar to a typical skin allergy, such as itching and skin rashes. If you're experiencing certain allergy symptoms, you may ask your dentist to use another restorative material.
Deteriorating fillings: No matter how hard you try, constant pressure from grinding, chewing, or clenching will eventually cause dental fillings to deteriorate. This will lead to cracking or chipping. You may end up developing a bacterial infection if the seal between the filling and the tooth enamel breaks down. This may even lead to tooth decay. If the decay is extensive, your dentist will have to replace the filling with a crown. Sometimes, new fillings fall out due to improper cavity preparation or another reason.
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