Waxing removes unwanted hair, making your skin soft and beautiful, but beauty comes at a price. Bumps and red rash after waxing can appear which can last for hours or as long as 3 days, especially if you have sensitive skin. The bumps are the result of an inflammation of the hair follicles called folliculitis and is unsightly and can cause discomfort. Here are some tricks and tips to help treat any discomfort and skin irritation and prevent it from happening ever again so you can wax with an easy mind next time.

Treatments for Rash after Waxing
Cool Water or Ice
These will help soothe the redness and discomfort of skin irritation.
How to Use:
Wet a soft washcloth in cold water or wrap an ice cube in a washcloth and apply it directly to the rash to close the open pores. Leave on for as long as you can tolerate it, up to 10 or 15 minutes.
If you are using cold water instead of ice, re-wet the washcloth every few minutes to keep it nice and cool.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel will not only soothe any skin irritation and redness, but it also keeps the skin hydrated.
How to Use:
Apply a generous layer of the gel on your skin several times a day. Keeping it in the refrigerator can keep the gel cold, which further eases irritation and any swelling of the skin and follicles.
Vitamin E or Tea Tree Oil
Both are excellent for soothing any irritation or rash after waxing and will help the skin heal.
How to Use:
Apply a generous amount to skin of either vitamin E (which is more readily available) or tea tree oil several times a day. Just pop open the vitamin E capsule and apply.
Grape Seed Oil
It soothes the skin and eases any pain. Grape seed oil also hydrates the skin and helps new scars heal.
How to Use:
Apply a small amount to your hands and massage gently it into the skin. There is no need to use a cotton ball or other method of application.
Topical Ointment
While the methods above will effectively ease irritation and eliminate a rash after waxing while soothing the skin, a topical ointment will speed up the healing process. Topical ointments containing polymyxin B sulfate, such as bacitracin zinc, and Neosporin will help heal the rash or bumps and keep away any possible infection. Because the irritated skin is exposed and vulnerable to bacterial infection, an antibacterial ointment is important.
How to Use:
Wash your hands and then apply a thin layer to the skin. Be sure not to massage it in. Apply 3 times a day for the first 3 days following the rise of bumps on the skin.
If after using any of the methods above you notice no change in the condition of your skin, you should consult a dermatologist. In rare cases infection can set in and will need proper treatment.
Prevention of Rash after Waxing
Check Your Skin
Do not wax or shave skin that is already irritated. If your skin is already inflamed or broken out with bumps, waxing will further irritate the skin and could even lead to scarring or serious skin infections.
Exfoliate Your Skin
After waxing, mildly exfoliating your skin can help remove dirt, dead skin, and oils. Skin is more vulnerable to damage when hair is removed and any dirt or oil can cause it to become irritated. Use a soft washcloth and mild shower gel or a product that is not harsh to the skin.
Soften Your Skin
If you're not exfoliating, take a warm (not too hot) shower or bath. The warm water will open up the pores, softening skin and allowing the hair to come out easier by making it more pliable.
Wax Your Skin Properly
Don't wax over an area more than once. Don’t tug your skin too much when pulling the hair out. Use a wax especially for sensitive skin such as a cream-based product.
Protect Your Skin
Make sure the area is completely clean and dry after waxing, then apply a layer of coconut oil, baby powder, or other soothing product.
You can learn more about how to avoid waxing in a wrong way from:
- Don’t use topical ointments that contain neomycin. Not everyone can tolerate neomycin and it can produce allergic reactions.
- Continue treatment until the rash disappears. Keep applying topical ointment according to directions until the rash is gone, and keep using the methods above to soothe and hydrate the skin.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing. Sweating and rubbing of the skin can cause more irritation. Loose-fitting clothing allows your skin to breathe and perspiration to evaporate.
- Do not take a hot shower just after waxing. Hot water opens pores which can lead to further irritation and even infection. Avoid saunas and steam rooms as these can all intensify the rash.
- Avoid vigorous exercise and exposure to sunlight. Vigorous exercise can cause sweating and rubbing of the skin. Use sunscreen when outdoors to avoid further irritating skin and making the rash worse.
- Avoid harsh soaps and cleansers, and makeup. Harsh cleansers will further irritate the skin and prolong healing. Makeup should also be avoided, though you may be tempted to cover up the rash.
- Don’t rub or scratch at your rash or bumpy skin.
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