The circumstance is that my 2007 Mazda 3 won’t start. It’s a Hatchback and only has about 20,000 miles on it and for some reason, it is not starting. I last drove it a few days ago with no problems, but when we got in the car today, it wouldn’t start. The number of miles on it shows that we do not drive this vehicle a lot, mostly just to run errands around town a few times a week.
In addition to not starting, we have noted the following symptoms:
The battery charge seems to be proper as all of the lights and accessories still work when the key is placed in the ignition.
Immediately upon turning the key, I heard several strange noises, like clunks or clicks. At the same time, all the dash lights flashed but the engine never turned over. Every time we try turn on the vehicle now, all we hear is a loud click, similar to the battery clicking. Although, if it was the battery I thought it would be more of a light ‘tick’ sound rather than a large clunk sound.
The weather here has been overcast and rainy for several weeks, and the vehicle has been parked on the street with a gas tank that’s about half-full and I made sure the vehicle was always in park – it has an automatic transmission. I’m wondering if my Mazda 3 won’t start in cold weather, or if there is more to this problem.
If you have the similar or same problem to this, then you should be aware of that dead car battery could be the reason.

Mazda 3 Won’t Start: Dead Battery Could Be the Reason
While there could be a wide range of reasons for why your 2007 Mazda 3 won’t start, the most common problem is that the battery is dead. Even though you have enough power for the lights to work and starter to click, the battery doesn’t have enough juice to power the engine. If your Mazda 3 won’t start in cold weather, you definitely need to adhere to the following advice: drive your vehicle on a regular basis at long enough intervals that the battery is being charged and the engine is warm.
If you are using a vehicle for shorter trips, it can cause condensation and sludge in the engine as well as a negative output of the battery’s charge. In fact, when the air outside is warmer than the engine block, it causes condensation which then mixes with the oil over time and begins to cause harm to the engine. By making sure you drive the vehicle long enough for the engine to warm up; all the excess moisture should get evaporated.
You may only need to drive your car once or twice a week, but your car needs you to drive it for longer intervals for its own sake – just like you need to get up and move around after being cooped up in an office all day. That being said, when you go on your errands, go to the location furthest away first so your car is able to charge the battery and warm up the engine before being used for shorter intervals.
Five Signs That Your Car Battery Might Be Dead
The Engine Cranks but Won’t Turn Over
When you first go to start your car and all you hear is the engine attempting to turn over, it is most likely your battery at fault. Granted, it could also be a starter, an alternator, or something else entirely, but over 90% of the time when a vehicle doesn’t start and has been overall well-maintained, the battery is at fault. Sometimes an ammeter, a device that measures the battery’s current, will tell you that the battery still has enough power, but it might not have enough voltage. In this case, you will need to jump start your car or replace your battery.
Your Car Makes No Attempt At Starting – No Crank, No Lights, No Start
Whenever nothing happens when you try to start your car, It's a pretty clear indication that your battery is ready to be replaced. Keep in mind that your battery usually has enough low voltage to still run the lights and accessories even if it doesn’t have enough power for the engine, so when nothing turns on, that means your battery is dead. If your battery is this far gone, you may need to also check your alternator (which regulates the voltage from the battery). In order to remedy this, you will need to replace your battery for sure, but will want to have both your alternator and starter checked as well.
Doesn’t Start Fine Every Day
When you have intermittent troubles with your vehicle starting, it could be a sign of bad wiring, a device powering on when it should be off, or even damaged battery terminals. First, you need to check the battery cables to ensure they are firmly attached and that they are not broken, corroded, or calcified. If there are signs of corrosion, you will need to clean your battery appropriately, but if there is frayed wiring, you will want to call in a professional to help solve the problem. If there does not appear to be a problem with the wiring, double check all of the vehicles accessories to make sure something isn’t draining the power while you are not driving.
Difficulty with Cold Cranking
Cold cranking refers to the power the engine needs when it starts up first thing in the morning. When you have difficulty with cold cranking, you may find yourself giving extra power to the car by pushing the gas pedal as you turn the key, hoping to spur it into an idle. If you are doing this three times a week or more, then it is a sign your battery is beginning to lose power and needs replaced. Of course, don’t forget that all vehicles will have difficulty starting in the cold as colder weather prevents a car’s battery from operating at maximum capacity, but it should return to normal power once the weather warms back up.
You Have to Jump Your Battery Often
Regardless of why you may have had to jump your battery, if it’s been done more than three times in a one-week time span, then it’s time for a new battery. This is because every time you jump your battery you are giving it a jolt of power from a different source, which actually causes your own battery to lose a small portion of its own power with each jump. Even if the battery isn’t old, jumping a battery more than three times a week is not only hard on the battery itself, but can also cause wear and tear to the alternator and starter as well. If you wait to replace the battery, you will soon find yourself replacing the battery, alternator and starter at the same time.
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