“Hey, I’m a 17 year old male and I have some embarrassing symptoms. It hurts to poop and I bleed, with the color being bright red. What should I do? I have more pain after I poop than before, and that’s really bothers me. The pain lasts for a few hours before dissipating. Are these symptoms of hemorrhoids or worse?”
These are common, everyday occurrences for many within the country. Most people are confused about the nature and severity, let alone what to do about solving the problem.

It Hurts to Poop and I Bleed, Why?
If bleeding does occur, this typically indicates that the problem stems from a hemorrhoid (also known as piles) or a tear or fissure in the tissue, typically located somewhere near the anus. Additionally, it can be because the stool, or waste matter, is too hard or big.
Typically, a possible sign of hemorrhoids is bleeding from the bottom, also known as rectal bleeding. This is noticeable by either pink water in the toilet (due to the infusion of blood) or bright red blood on the toilet paper. Additionally, pain may be associated, that’s why many claim, “my butt hurts when I poop” or that it hurts to poop and bleeding occurs.
How Can I Tell If It’s Hemorrhoids?
The first and foremost sign of hemorrhoids is painless bleeding during pooping, with noticeable, bright red blood on the toilet paper. Other symptoms include pain and discomfort, swelling around the anus, finding a lump near the anus, an itchy or irritated butt or the leaking of feces.
More Serious Causes
If the blood is a darker color, this indicates that the bleeding may be occurring higher up in the digestive tract. When this occurs, it can turn the color of the feces to a blackish or plum color. This coloring is known as melaena.
It is also caused by anal abscess or fistula, diverticulosis/diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ulcers, and even colon cancer.
It Hurts to Poop and I Bleed, What to Do?
Now, if for instance, it hurts to poop and bleeding occurs and you are having this for several days without any relief, do not hesitate or be embarrassed to seek medical attention, especially from your doctor. Rectal bleeding affects roughly 1 in every 10 adults each year. If anyone comes to you in confidence stating, “my butt hurts when I poop,” do not hesitate to recommend that they see a doctor. Too many people are too embarrassed to seek the medical attention they need.
How to Soften Stool
Softening stool can be done through drinking lots of water, plenty of physical exercise, eating lots of fiber or fiber supplements, drinking juices such as apple or prune, and taking a laxative to help the flow.
Certain types of food also help soften stool. These foods include:
Whole grain: Spaghetti, barley, bran flakes, oatmeal, brown rice
Vegetables: Green peas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, sweet corn, potato, tomato paste, carrots
Fruits: raspberries, pear, apple, banana, orange, strawberries, figs, raisins
Others: Black beans, sunflower seed kernels, almonds, pistachio nuts, and pecans.
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Learn more about causes for pain when pooping
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