At some point in your life, you have to take care of a baby; whether it is your own baby or some friend’s. Granted, it can be a little daunting and more than a little annoying if you haven’t done it before. It is therefore a good idea to learn how to take care of a baby before you have to face such a problem, as it can save you a lot of trouble somewhere down the line.

Top 20 Tips on Taking Care of a Baby
Have a plan
I know this sounds incredibly obvious but the best way to go about the troubles is to establish a schedule beforehand. If it is your baby, consult with your partner or significant other on who does what. It makes life a lot easier and saves both you and the baby from a lot of discomfort.
Defer energy-intensive projects!
You will exhaust every bit of your stamina to take care of the little. Trust me, it will demand all of your attention and you just cannot go around giving it to other activities that require it. Postpone your hiking trips, workout routines and whatever other intense projects you may have lined up!
Now that you have one more person to take care of, adjust your schedules to include the baby. Set out your priorities. It’s safe to say that you won’t be getting time to do everything you want to and you’re going to have to let go of a bit to take care of the baby.
Sleep with the baby
Knowing how to take care of a baby also means knowing how to take care of yourself along with it. Catch up on much needed sleep at the same time when the baby is sleeping. Otherwise, you won’t find much shuteye throughout the day.
Expect turmoil
It won’t be easy. You will feel irritated, exasperated, and exhausted at the same time. But you will find moments of utter joy and happiness, too. It’s safe to say you’ll go through a roller-coaster of emotions, so don’t be surprised if you do!
Keep fit
This baby-job is going to be a full-time gig. So you can’t completely sacrifice your life and health. Stay healthy by exercising in the evenings. But make sure you have caught enough sleep first!
Don’t refuse help
Your friends and family will offer to help you with the baby every now and then. So don’t be hesitant to accept it. You could have them assist you with normal chores so that your life is made easier.
Get some air
You’re going to feel too well if you stay inside the house for too long. Go out for a walk with the baby or occasionally take a walk by yourself. It’ll help you get those few minutes of peace that you crave so much.
Maintain other relationships
Don’t fall into the vicious vortex of paranoia that comes with handling a baby. Go out with your partner, meet your friends for lunch, and spend time with the family. You’ll be a much happier person that way.
Play some music
It isn’t as much to help the baby’s growth as it is to keep him or her calm. Shuffle up the tunes to keep the baby distracted.
Maintain perspective
This is the key to knowing how to take care of a baby. Remember that everything passes and this is no different. The newborn phase will be over in a short while so enjoy it while it lasts.
Don’t just focus on the negatives
Taking care of a baby isn’t all chaos and turmoil. It is interspersed with moments of sheer happiness which you will want to enjoy! So don’t think of it as a job but let it come to you naturally.
Find baby-friendly places
Take your baby to libraries which have story-telling time for kids. Or find other places which can be fun for the baby and de-stressing for you. Letting the baby have fun is a big part of taking care of it.
Be prepared to drop everything at a toss of a coin. The baby comes first and it will spring surprises, there’s no doubt about that. So don’t stick to the same rigid lifestyle you had before. That won’t do anyone any good.
Keep track of the baby’s habits
Maintaining a log or a chart is usually best for this purpose. It will help you record and observe the baby’s sleep pattern and you will be more comfortable with his or her schedule.
Stay happy!
A key part of this ordeal is to keep smiling through. You don’t want to have a permanent frown plastered on your face at the end of the baby’s first year. So smile, and look at the funny side of things.
Don’t try to do everything
It might seem tempting to take care of everything all by yourself but that is not a wise idea. Take care of yourself and others as well. Accept the fact that you cannot do everything all the time. It’s okay to mess up sometimes.
Resist comparison
Everyone’s lifestyle and needs are different so don’t compare your methods with someone else’s. Do your own thing and if you’re in doubt, take advice. But realize that nothing is set in stone. Just because your methods are different doesn’t mean they are wrong.
Tone down the clean-freak
It’s okay for the house to be dirty. This isn’t like before. So you can let those go. Worrying about every little detail while taking care of the baby won’t do much good for you.
Enjoy yourself!
The ultimate technique for learning how to take of a baby is to know how to enjoy yourself. Cherish these moments as they are rare. It will be at times a frustrating, but in the end, it shall be a rewarding experience. So enjoy it.
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