Swelling is probably the most immediate reaction of the human body after an injury or illness. As soon as a body part is hurt, fluid rushes to the affected organ making it enlarged and causing considerable pain or discomfort.
If you or a loved one is experiencing swelling, do not panic as there are several home remedies for it. So if you want to know how to make swelling go down and be pain-free again, just follow our easy instructions.

Home Remedies for Injury-Induced Swelling
Elevation Therapy
As mentioned earlier, swelling is caused by fluids accumulated at the injured area causing the affected part to enlarge. If you want to know how to make swelling go down, the easiest way is to raise the affected part slightly above the level of the heart. Elevating the injured area drains off the fluid collected in it and this results in reduction of swelling.
Alternate Cold and Hot Therapy
In this treatment for swelling, we need a towel, cold water and a heating pad. We dip the towel in cold water and put it on the affected area for half an hour. This restricts the blood flow and decreases swelling. Once done, immediately replace it with the heating pad, again applying it over the injured region for half an hour. The high temperature of the heating pad relieves the pain of the swelling considerably. Continue this process of applying cold and heat therapies on the swollen part till the swelling has gone.
Liquid Therapy
Since the affected part is swollen with fluids, you may think drinking liquids would be a strict no. On the contrary, you should be drinking lots of liquids to help your body clear out the fluids that are accumulated in the swollen region. The best liquids to take in case of swelling are juice or simply water as these effectively flush out toxins from the body.
Compression Therapy
As the name suggests, simply compress the injured area with a towel or bandage. This ensures that the fluid is restricted from entering the affected part and the swelling becomes considerably smaller. It’s important to wrap the towel firmly around the area but not extremely tight as normal blood flow may be affected. For best results, use this treatment with alternate cold and hot therapy and see the swelling vanish.
Home Remedies for Non-Injury-Induced Swelling
Reduce Sodium from Your Foods
If you see a swollen area in your body, immediately minimize intake of any foods or drinks containing a high level of sodium, as it would lead to more severe swelling. Avoid beverages containing sodium (including sweet ones) and opt for water. Drinking plenty of water helps to drain out any sodium content in the body. It’s also recommended to put lemon or cucumber slices in your drinking water as they have anti-inflammatory properties.
Wear Loose Clothing
Absolutely avoid wearing tight clothing over your affected areas as this can block the flow of blood and aggravate the swelling. Instead of tight clothes, consider wearing loose ones and special swelling stockings that will help improve blood circulation.
Do Light Exercises
If you desperately want to know how to make swelling go down, start exercising. Performing light workouts can do wonders to reduce pain and overall swelling while also improving blood circulation in the affected area. You don’t need to do any high intensity training; simple routines like yoga, gentle walks and swimming are extremely effective in treating swelling and are also excellent for overall good health.
Try Massage Treatment
You can do it yourself, or get a professional masseur to give you a nice rubbing over the swollen region. Ask him to massage using upward motions over the affected part, preferably with grapefruit oil for best results. A good massage will improve blood circulation and decrease the swelling.
Soak in Tonic Water
Another effective way to reduce your swelling is by soaking your affected region into a dish containing warm or cold tonic water. The quinine and bubbles contained in tonic water makes the swelling go down. It’s a good idea to perform this therapy once a day for twenty minutes.
When to See a Doctor
If you’ve tried all of the above with no results and are still seeking answers on how to make swelling go down, it’s time to see a doctor. If your swelling persists or spreads or creates a “dimple” like depression on the skin when pressed, it could be a serious issue that requires investigation by a medical professional.
Also, if you have trouble breathing or experience pain in the chest, take no chances and stop trying any home remedies. Immediately call your doctor as these could be symptoms of pulmonary edema.
Furthermore, constant pain or swelling in the leg caused by sitting for too long may hint at a blood clot in the veins. If you experience such a pain, seek medical assistance as soon as you can.
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