People all over the world are always looking for tips on how to look like a model - beautiful, healthy, slim and fit. It's something that every men and women want to see themselves in their future, a glamorous life that everyone else is going to admire and envy, with the perfect body, a balanced and disciplined life, dressing up beautifully and looking extraordinary.
It is certainly not an easy task. A person who wishes to look like a model has to maintain a certain lifestyle of eating, exercising and dressing.

First, Eat Like a Model
If you want to know how to look like a model, you must know what types of food to completely avoid – stay away from all kinds of foods that are high in sugar and fat or any food that dehydrates or bloats you.
Staying hydrated at all times is a must, so drink plenty of water throughout the day. However, be careful that you are not drinking so much as to wash away all the important enzymes from your mouth. For most of people, half a gallon of water per day should be the target number to hit.
It is always better to sit down for a snack rather than a hurried meal on the go. So, unless you are too busy, try to sit down and spend some time with your healthy snack rather than gulp it down in a few bites.
Learn to combine your meals according to their seasonal availability and alkalinity. To eat like a model, never mix your proteins with your carbohydrates because it will negatively affect your digestive system and lead to gas, bloating and constipation.
To know how to look like a model, you must know to avoid all kinds of carbonated beverages, fried foods and even dairy. Besides causing cellulite, they are likely to produce bloating in your body.
Start with day with light food, and slowly increase your intake. Warm water with lemon, fresh fruit juice or smoothie can all be the perfect start of the day to supply your body with necessary minerals and vitamins.
And Then, Exercise Like a Model
It is important that you exercise at least 4 to 5 days a week, and that each session lasts 2 hours or more. If you are a beginner, the time allotted per session should be less - around 1 hour or so - until your body is more used to the hard work. Exercising every day is not advised, not until there is a special goal at a higher level that you are looking forward to.
An ideal workout session should be a combination of the three main types of exercise, under an expert trainer - cardio, strengthening and toning. In the beginning, all three sides of workout should receive equal attention and time.
Cardio is a very special part of exercising that should get special focus if your primary goal is to lose weight. Cardio exercises give your whole body - and not just special parts - a good workout, and help you lose pounds.
If becoming a model is your goal, losing weight isn't enough; your body needs to look beautifully chiseled. There are some body-sculpting exercises that are very important for models to make themselves look toned and fit.
There shouldn't be a part in your whole body that looks out of place, especially your back, legs, thighs, stomach and butt. As advised by a trainer, special attention should be given to these special regions so that they too, are beautifully toned.
Always keep a steady body measurement in mind when you are exercising, so that you know what you are reaching for.
Finally, Dress like a Model
You should never be afraid to mix and mash different kinds of prints even when they don't match. It’s a bold look that, when carried properly, can look wonderful.
Classics and basics are the best - at all times! If you don't want to spend much time on your attire before leaving in a hurry, just put on something simple, like an army jacket, jeans and a T-shirt. You'll still look like a model, I swear!
If you have the body, no one's stopping you from looking ravishing and tempting. Sometimes showing off a little bare skin with something revealing will make you look distinguished.
If the coat you are wearing is special and interesting, it usually doesn't matter what's inside it. So invest in a good overcoat/coat before you buy the rest of your wardrobe.
You can wear layers of clothes - three to four - and still look casual; you just need to know the correct way to layer your clothes so that they are clearly distinguishing.
Shoes are important, but pretty sure everyone already knows that. No matter what you are wearing, your shoes should be something that steals looks for passers-by and be a significant part of your ensemble.
After everything, comfort should be what you are looking for in your clothes when you are off duty. Wear whatever your style permits you and what you feel comfortable in, and you will come out looking like a model.
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