The teething period can be quite difficult for some babies. Your baby might be crying all night, fussy, and irritated. A low-grade fever is also possible during the teething process, in addition to other teething symptoms. If you do notice a sharp tooth that is starting to poke through the gums of your baby, then this means that your baby is teething. Are you worried about the fever that accompanies this process sometimes?

How Long Does Teething Fever Last?
The exact time how long the teething process lasts and when the teeth will erupt through the gums is individual and varies from one baby to the other. For some babies, this process lasts only a couple of days, while in others the teething process can take weeks.
During this period, it is normal for your baby to be irritated, have less appetite or drool. A low-grade fever is also common during the teething process. The teething process can only slightly raise your baby’s body temperature. How long does teething fever last? As the teething process varies from one baby to the other, how long the teething fever lasts is also individual and varies from one baby to the other.
You should consult a pediatrician in cases when the fever lasts longer than 2 days. If your baby develops a fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) than this is a sign that your baby is sick.
How to Tell If Your Child Is Sick?
In cases when your baby is sick due to a cold, a stomach bug or another illness, a loss of appetite, fever, irritation and other signs and symptoms are common, just as they are during the teething period. While teething is something completely normal for every baby, a presence of any sign or symptom related to an illness requires medical attention. Knowing how to make the difference between teething and an illness is important. Your child is probably sick and required medical attention in cases when:
Your child has a stuffed and runny nose.
Your child has diarrhea or vomiting.
Your child has a skin rash.
Your child has sneezing or coughing.
What Causes Teething Fever?
How long does teething fever last? What is the cause? Teething is often accompanied by a low-grade fever. For babies younger than 3 months old a low-grade fever is considered any fever below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, while for babies older than 3 months old a low-grade fever is considered any fever below 102 degrees.
During the teething process, a slight bleeding might occur while the tooth protrudes the gums, during which bacteria can enter the bloodstream. Fever is a sign of how the body fights the bacteria which might have entered the bloodstream during the teething process.
Any fever occurring during the teething period can indicate a viral infection or an ear infection. However, if you notice that your baby is drooling more than normal and is also gnawing, then probably he/she is teething. Any low-grade fever during the teething period which lasts for a day or two should not concern you. However, if the fever lasts longer than 2 days, then you should consult a pediatrician.
How Can You Treat the Teething Fever?
How long does teething fever last? You already know the answer. But how to treat it? A teething fever is usually a mild one for which your baby does not require any treatment. During the teething process, it will be enough to give your baby a pacifier, teething toys or anything cold, rubbery and plastic so he/she can satisfy the urge to chew. Make sure that these things don’t contain any small pieces that your baby can get choked with.
Teething tablets are not recommended during the teething process even though they promise to relieve the pain and discomfort which accompanies this process. Teething tablets are not regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and many brands have been recalled for concerns due to increased amounts of belladonna toxins.
If the fever doesn’t pass on its own within a day or two, or if your child despite the low-grade fever has stopped eating or drinking consult a pediatrician. If you are not quite sure that your baby is teething and if you suspect of something else you should better consult a pediatrician. However, if your baby is just drooling, a little bit fussy, gnawing and has a low-grade fever you will probably notice new white teeth appearing soon in the gums.
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