Chronic urticaria, or more commonly known as hives, is a skin condition that gets triggered due to the presence of allergens. It takes the form of swollen red bumps on your skin which may or may not sting but are surely very itchy. Allergens like chocolates, nuts, dairy products, berries, pollen or even dust mites may lead to you getting hives. The size of your hives and how long they will take to fade away depend on a lot of factors. But some remedies really help accelerate the healing process and we will get to details here.

Home Remedies for Hives
Avoid Triggers
This one goes without saying, but still, if you know what your triggers are, then please stay away from them. That jar of peanut butter isn’t worth weeks of red bumps on your skin which itch so much that they’d drive you crazy. Some other triggers of hives may include sunlight, shellfish, milk, certain medication, insect stings, blood transfusions, infections like common cold or hepatitis, pet dander, etc.
Take Probiotics
The yeasts and bacteria present in probiotics make them an ideal choice for minimizing the reactions caused by allergens. And better they are safe enough to be consumed daily.
Vitamin C Really Helps
When it comes to reducing discomfort, itching and pain caused by hives, vitamin C is hands down one of the best home remedies for hives you should try. It works by improving the immunity of your body, and you can apply cream or gel that contains zinc and vitamin C topically to your bumps, and let it get absorbed by your body. You can use it two times a day, and the best part is that you can improve your vitamin C intake additionally by drinking at least 3-4 glasses of fresh lemonade.
Try Red Alder Bark
Red alder bark is extremely potent when it comes to treating hives. You can use it in two ways:
The first is to buy or take out its extract, put it in a spray bottle or an empty bottle with a dropper and apply it topically on your skin.
The second way is to make tea out of your red alder bark. Boil it in water for 10-15 minutes, strain the water, and add honey, sugar or anything else to the tea to make it more delicious.
Apply Uncooked Oatmeal
If you fell into the temptation of scratching your hives and now things are worse for you, try uncooked oatmeal. Take 2 tbsp. of the oatmeal (make sure it’s grinded) and then add 1-2 tbsp. of milk or honey to it. Create a paste, apply it on your hives for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Use Mint Leaves
The menthol in mint leaves has a very cooling effect in your itching, thus soothing any irritation. The antioxidants present in it also work on the hives, trying to reduce the condition to a minimum. You can use the leaves in 3 ways:
Add 10 leaves to 1 cup of water and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Strain, put the water in a spray bottle and spray on the infected area 3-4 times a day.
Let the leaves soak in some warm water for an hour. When they soften, run them through a grinder. Add a little bit of sandalwood powder (optional), a little bit of rose water and 2 tsp. of honey to the paste. Let it sit on infected area for 15 minutes.
You can add it to your daily cup of green tea and drink it 4-5 times a day, easily.
Never Miss Ginger
Ginger’s naturally occurring antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties make it one of the most ideal home remedies for hives. Like mint leaves, you can consume it in many forms and it’s completely up to you which method you want to opt for.
Try Basil
Basil is an extremely underrated herb when it comes to medicinal values properties. Its antihistamine properties ensure that the hives on your skin do not last for long, thus alleviating your condition naturally and painlessly. Use them like mint leaves.
Apply Turmeric
Turmeric is well-known for its antifungal, antimicrobial, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It’s actually a staple in Indian diets. All you need to do is to make a paste with 1 tbsp. of turmeric and add 1 tsp. of milk, honey, rose water or aloe vera gel to it. Make a paste and apply it on the affected area 3-4 times a day. Keep in mind that if you are taking a blood thinner, it is best to stay away from turmeric.
Drink Green Tea
The catechin and antioxidants present in green tea are a boon for skin irritation and itching. You can add ginger root extract, basil, turmeric or mint leaves to spice things up a bit. You can easily drink 5-6 cups of green tea a day. You can also opt for chamomile tea specifically, as it’s known for its soothing properties.
Cold Water Works Wonders
If preparing pastes or drinks is too much for you, then one of the easiest home remedies for hives is to draw a cold bath. The cold water helps reduce the size of your blood vessels, creating a hindrance in the release of histamine into the bloodstream. This in turn soothes your itchy skin. Do this at least twice a day. If taking a bath is a luxury you can’t afford, then opt for ice bags. Do a cold compress on the affected area for 10-15 minutes to get relief, and repeat it 3-4 times a day.
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