For the past thousands of years, people have used fennel tea to help digestion and every form of dyspepsia, relying on it as a popular herbal remedy. The fennel plant, also known as saunf, is native to Europe; traders carried it throughout the rest of the continent as well as Asia. Today, many cultures use fennel seeds for their medicinal benefits.

Research has shown that just some of the fennel tea benefits include relieving mucus within the intestinal tract, assisting with stomach acid, and reducing flatulence. Experts believe that fennel is even gentle enough to give to colicky infants.

Part 1: Health Benefits of Fennel Tea


Stop Bad Breath

Halitosis, or bad breath, is frequently due to digestive disorders. Because saunf benefits include reducing digestive issues, it makes sense that fennel seeds can help cure your bad breath. As a bonus, they give you a fresh aromatic scent. To use fennel seeds for this purpose, you need to try chewing between one and one-and-a-half teaspoons of the seeds during the day. You can also use fennel tea like a mouthwash to reduce bad breath.


Relieve Menopausal and Menstrual Issues

Fennel has anti-inflammatory, phytoestrogenic, and antispasmodic properties, which work together to soothe uterine muscles, relieve cramping as well as other uncomfortable symptoms of menstruation and PMS. It can also help balance estrogen levels, easing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. To get the benefits of this tea, simply boil a cup of water, adding a teaspoon of the seeds once the water boils. Turn the heat to low and leave it for five minutes. Strain out the seeds and add some honey. Try drinking it twice daily for menopausal symptoms and start it three days before your expected period for menstrual relief.


Help with Stomach Issues

The antioxidant properties of the fennel as well as anethole and fenchone help treat gastrointestinal disorders. To take advantage of the saunf benefits for indigestion, bloating, flatulence, or intestinal cramping and spasm, try either chewing on some seeds after meals or throughout the day or making fennel tea.


Treat Colic in Babies

Colic affects babies, causing prolonged, uncontrollable crying. Experts aren't sure what causes colic, but they think it may be due to cramping or intestinal spasms. If this is true, fennel tea benefits can be used to relieve the symptoms. Try making fennel syrup or fennel water and storing it to help your baby.

Make the syrup by boiling three teaspoons fennel seeds in one cup of water. Add half a cup sugar, and keep boiling until the mixture gets a syrupy consistency. Give your baby ¼ teaspoon twice each day. For fennel water, boil a teaspoon of the seeds in one cup water for five minutes. Add half of a teaspoon sugar, let it cool, and strain the seeds. Give your baby 1 teaspoon of this three times each day.


Improve Brain Function and Memory

Another fennel tea benefit is its power as a brain booster, improving cognitive performance. The seeds also contain a great deal of potassium, a nutrient that encourages electrical conduction in the body, improving cognitive abilities and brain functioning. The juice is also a vasodilator that can increase oxygen supplied to the brain and can delay dementia and relieve depression.


Relieve Water Retention

Fennel tea can also work as a diuretic, which can help flush excess fluids from your body. It also helps you reduce puffy eyes due to fluid retention if you apply it underneath the eyes. Fennel can also remove toxins as well as reduce your risk of issues with your urinary tract. The diaphoretic properties stimulate perspiration.


Protect from Cancer

Fennel can reduce the risk associated with developing colon cancer by removing carcinogenic toxins from your colon. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory phytonutrient, anethole, has anti-cancer effects. Studies have shown that it can prevent breast cancer cell growth. Fennel also contains limonene and quercetin, both of which have anticarcinogenic effects.



Fennel will work to eliminate toxins from the body. It improves your healthy urine flow, which in turn protects the liver by treating diseases like jaundice and preventing alcohol damage. It can also cleanse the blood, preventing kidney stones and improving kidney function. Fennel tea also boosts your metabolism, letting you reduce cellulite and burn fat faster in addition to its ability to help regulate appetite. Further cleansing properties include the ability to improve joint and tissue health, reducing gout and arthritic pain.


Promote Healthy Eyes

A fennel tea infusion can help you fight sore or swollen eyes in the morning. Make the fennel tea and then take a cotton ball, soaking it in the drink. Apply this to reduce puffiness or treat conjunctivitis and other eye infections. People have been using fennel tea benefits for eyes since the Romans, who believed snakes' good vision was due to fennel.


Improve Heart Strength

Because of all the vitamins and antioxidants it contains, fennel tea can help your heart stay healthy. These nutrients along with fennel's cleansing properties can lower bad cholesterol levels and decrease the chance of hypertension.

Part 2: How to Make Fennel Tea


How to Make

Start by taking a teaspoon dried fennel seeds for each cup of tea you want to make. Fill each cup with hot water, being sure not to boil your seeds as this kills the majority of the nutrients. Cover the steeping tea, letting it rest for ten minutes. It should appear light yellow. Try drinking it three times each day, particularly after meals as it helps treat digestive issues.

Alternatively, you can use 20 grams of fennel root for a liter of water. In this case, you want the water to boil before pouring it on the root.


Important Tips You Need to Know

To increase the effectiveness of the tea, opt for bruised or crushed seeds. You can also mix it with herbs that have similar benefits, like anise.

The best way to cover your tea while it brews is to buy a teacup with a lid or that comes with a saucer you can turn upside down. Be careful of hot condensed water when removing the lid.

Expectant moms can try fennel tea benefits to treat infections and sore nipples or morning sickness. You can apply the tea to your sore area using a cloth three times daily. More researches needs to be done, but nursing moms can try taking fennel tea (with doctor's permission) to improve milk flow, but don’t exceed four cups daily.


For a visual guide of how to make fennel tea at home, check out this video:

Part 3: Possible Side Effects of Fennel Tea

There are no known side effects related to fennel as long as it is used in moderation. If you use too much of the liquid seed extract or the oil, you may experience itchiness, rash, or photodermatitis. Anytime you notice unusual skin changes, immediately stop using the seeds and talk to your doctor.

You shouldn't use fennel while pregnant because of its phytoestrogenic properties. If you are breastfeeding or estrogen-dependent, you should talk to your doctor before taking the tea. It isn't recommended for those taking seizure medicine or who are prone to seizures.

In very rare cases, it is possible to be allergic to fennel, particularly among those who are allergic to celery or carrots.


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