Abscess on gum is caused by bacteria infection and results in an accumulation of pus around the gums and the teeth. The majority of the patients suffering from this condition tend to ignore it because the pain comes and goes. However, in addition to being painful and causing inflammation of the gums, an abscess can also lead to Ludwig's angina and tooth loss, if not attended to early enough. So it is important to see a dentist if you develop any form of dental pain so as to prevent the happening of more serious complications.

How Does It Feel Like If I Have Abscess on Gum?
An abscess leads to throbbing and gnawing toothache which could also be severe and continuous. The following are some of the warning signs that indicate you are suffering from an abscess on gums:
Experiencing pain while chewing
Having a bitter taste in the mouth
Teeth sensitivity to cold and hot
Swollen neck glands
Foul smelling breath
Red and swollen gums
An open sore that is draining on the side of the gum
A swollen part on either jaw
General uneasiness and discomfort
Warning: As time passes, the pain associated with this infection may subside. This normally happens when the root of the infected tooth dies. However, this does not mean that the infection is healed. Instead, the infection remains active and may spread to other teeth. So it is vital to see a dentist, if you experience any of these symptoms.
Now that you have an idea of how it feels like to have the condition, you should as well have a look at how it looks like. Watch the following video to get a better understanding:
What Causes Abscess on Gum?
Tooth Decay
One of the common causes of abscess is tooth decay or cavity. When this cavity enlarges, it reaches the pulp cavity and exposes the nerves. Once exposed, the pulp inflames and causes toothache and abscess on gum.
Irreversible Pulpitis
Basically, there are two forms of pulpitis, the reversible pulpitis and the irreversible pulpitis. With reversible pulpitis, the pulp becomes irritated, but the condition is reversible. However, irreversible pulpitis is just the opposite and leads the gum to dies away. Once the gum tissue dies, it is easy for an abscess to develop on the gum ligament as well as on the jawbone below. But it is possible to resolve irreversible pulpitis at early stages.
This condition may be caused by an array of things, including:
Fillings, crowns and other dental treatments that is too close to the pulp cavity;
A blow to a tooth blocks the blood and nutrition supply to the tooth cause the death of pulp and abscess of gum;
Trauma to the tooth due to clenching or grinding leads to gradual injury;
Poor dental hygiene, such as failure to clean your teeth regularly and thoroughly, is one of the common causes of abscess on the gums;
Eat lots of starchy or sugary drinks and foods. Particles of these foods can lodge in between the teeth encourage the growth of bacteria which may lead to an abscess.
How to Deal With Abscess on Gum
Maintain Oral Hygiene
A good oral hygiene entails flossing your teeth after meals. This removes food particles that may be lodged in between the teeth. In addition to easing the pain, this also reduces the buildup of bacteria in the mouth. It is also advisable to brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly as this can also prevent an abscess. If you are wondering on how to maintain proper dental hygiene, this video will be very helpful:
Mind Your Foods
To ease the pain associated with tooth decay that has reached the pulp cavity, avoid very hot and very cold foods and drinks as much as possible. Exposing the pulp tissues to extreme temperature can lead to severe pain. Similarly, avoiding foods that are extremely acidic and contain a lot of sugar is an essential step towards combating abscess in the gum.
Take Painkillers
It is advisable to take over the counter pain medications in addition to other prescribed medications for the condition in order to ease the pain. Pain relieving medications should be taken according to the prescription given by the doctor. Other than relieving the pain, they also reduce the inflammation associated with this condition. However, never put pain relief medication directly on the tooth or gum as they can burn the tissues causing more pain.
Try Clove Oil
Clove oil, which is used by many dentists for its anesthetic and antiseptic properties, may be used to relieve tooth pain associated with an abscess. Clove oil can be found in many health food stores and used at home. Just soak a small piece of cotton into the oil and blot it with a piece of tissue to get rid of the excess. You should then use a pair of tweezers to hold the cotton on the aching tooth for about 10 seconds. However, make sure that you do not swallow the oil.
Elevate Your Head When Sleeping
Most of the pain associated with this condition is caused by inflammation of the nerves in the pulp cavity. This pain can be intense and causes a lot of discomfort. Elevating your head while sleeping or resting reduces the pressure on the affected tooth thus minimizing the pain.
Gargle With Salt Water
To relieve the toothache caused by an abscess, you should gargle with lukewarm salt water about three or two times per day. Since salt water has antibacterial properties, it removes bacteria from the infected region.
Have a Root Canal
Having a root canal can also relieve you from abscess on gum. Normally, the dentist drills to the pulp cavity of the affected tooth, takes out the affected pulp, fills the removed area and covers it with a crown cap.
Remove the Abscessed Tooth
If the root canal and other treatments do not help much in saving the abscessed tooth, you should consider having the affected root removed by the dentist.
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