Some women tend to experience some very obvious signs of pregnancy very early on, while others barely feel anything. If you think that you might be pregnant, but aren’t sure about it, then here is a short review of the most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy experienced by women. You can compare your early signs and symptoms of pregnancy to those mentioned here, in order to figure out if you are carrying a little one inside you.

10 Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy
Missed Period
Missing a period is one of the most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Although it is common for some women to suffer from the occurrence of late periods, it can be one of the biggest hints regarding the presence of a fertilised egg in your womb. Considering the fact that this is the biggest tell-tale symptom, missing a period pretty much confirms the pregnancy. It is one of the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy to appear.
Talk to any woman regarding the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, and most of them will tell you that they suffered from morning sickness. Although morning sickness is a very common sign, nausea doesn’t necessarily have to occur in the morning. There is a huge possibility that one may suffer from evening sickness as well. They almost always begin as soon as one gets pregnant. It is one of the dreaded pregnancy signs and symptoms. It is also one of the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
Stomach Cramps or Spotting
Some pregnant women experience bleeding or light spotting during the first few days of the pregnancy. You may be experiencing the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. Some women also tend to suffer cramps like those experienced during their periods. This is considered to be one of the most confusing signs and symptoms of pregnancy, as one tends to feel that they aren’t pregnant as they are having their periods, while in fact they are pregnant. It is one of the rarely occurring pregnancy signs and symptoms.
Heightened Emotions
It is very common for pregnant women to experience mood swings. They tend to get annoyed, sad or tearful for the silliest of reasons, and sometimes for no reason at all. These signs and symptoms of pregnancy begin very early in the pregnancy, and are heightened during the first few months. This is due to all the hormonal changes which the body is going through. However, as the pregnancy progresses, these emotions slowly wear off, and the depression and crying does get reduced eventually. This happens to be one of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
Tender Breasts
Tender or sore breasts can be another indication that the woman is pregnant. All the hormonal changes which a body goes through, causes the breasts to swell up and they feel a little sore when touched. This is one of the few signs and symptoms of pregnancy which occur only during the first few weeks. This is one of the few pregnancy signs and symptoms which eventually get better.
Frequent Urination or Constipation
Another one on the list of first signs and symptoms of pregnancy is frequent urination. It is well known that all pregnant women tend to frequent the loo, since the bladder is being pressed against by the uterus. This increases the urge for frequent urination. All the added pressure and the intestinal changes the body goes through might also cause constipation. As the pregnancy progresses, the baby grows and hence, the uterus gets pressed a lot more against not just the bladder, but also the other organs. It happens to be the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
Tasting Something Unusual
This is possibly one of the strangest signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Sometimes pregnant women taste a weird metallic or sour taste in the mouth. This may occur even while nothing is being eaten. The hormonal changes during pregnancy imbalances the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for controlling the taste buds. Hence, it leads to unusual occurrence. It is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy.
Fatigue and Feeling Sleepy
It isn’t uncommon for most women to feel tired and sleepy during the first few weeks of pregnancy. In fact, this is one of the first few signs and symptoms of pregnancy. This feeling of tiredness is due to the fact that the body is creating a baby, and hence, draws away a lot of energy for doing so. It may also be one of the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy which you are experiencing.
Body Ache
All the hormones running through your body, tends to make it work a lot harder than it normally does. This is particularly true when there is a baby within the body. This in turn leads to a lot of symptoms which appear as pains and aches. Feeling uncomfortable for no apparent reason and having sore muscles may be a sign that there is a baby on the way. This is one of the few early symptoms of pregnancy, one experience.
Heightened Smell Sensitivity
This is one of the most unusual signs and symptoms of pregnancy. A lot of women have an elevated sense of smell right through their entire pregnancy. This is also supposed to be one of the earliest signs which indicate that you may be carrying a baby. Speculations have been made, that this change is to prevent pregnant women from eating anything that may have been spoiled, and hence, prevent any harm that may be caused to the baby. Another one of the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy, it is nature’s way of protecting the foetus from all toxins.
Many women find themselves experiencing most of the above mentioned signs and symptoms of pregnancy. These generally confirm that one may be pregnant, however, to know for sure it is advisable to undergo a pregnancy test. When the result confirms your suspicion, visit your healthcare provider at the earliest. Look out for all the early symptoms of pregnancy.
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